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Military families face unique hardships. Not only are they often separated from their loved ones for extended periods of time, they may also have to deal with financial difficulties, emotional challenges, and difficult conditions like posttraumatic stress disorder, serious injuries, and paralysis.

It used to be that the Armed Forces Foundation helped active duty service members, veterans, and their families to overcome these sorts of obstacles, but they recently ceased their programs and fundraising efforts and transferred their existing resources to four other highly impactful organizations:

  1. Hire Our Heroes: They help veterans transition from active duty to the civilian workforce.
  2. Team Rubicon: They unite the skills and experiences of military vets with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.
  3. The Mission Continues: They empower vets adjusting to live at home to find purpose through community impact.
  4. Yellow Ribbon Fund: They help serve the injured returning from deployment, as well as helping their caregivers.

Chaffin Luhana is proud to support Hire Our Heroes by donating $250 in the name of team member and Paralegal/Client Services Manager Stephanie Pereyo. Her future brother-in-law, Jesse, has served in the U.S. Army for six years, and has three years to go.

“This donation will mean a lot to my sister and her future fiancé (he’s proposing in February!),” she says, “because this charity will help provide them with the financial and personal services they will need help with in the future, and serve as a way to thank Jesse for his time served in the United States Army.”

Hire Our Heroes has a team of vets ready to train, mentor, and coach transitioning vets back into the civilian workforce. “We accomplish this by offering one-on-one monthly coaching and mentoring sessions,” they state on their website. They also enlist veterans and volunteers out of corporate America, networking events, and group training across the country.

If you would like to help a vet transition from the battlefield to the civilian workforce, you can donate via the information below.

Hire Our Heroes

Online donation:




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