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It may seem that books are ubiquitous across the country, but that’s not actually true, according to recent research. A study led by New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development found that children’s books are hard to come by in low-income neighborhoods in Detroit, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles. Lead author Susan B. Neuman called these areas “book deserts,” and noted that they could seriously limit young children’s opportunities.

Access to print resources early on has been found to help children develop their vocabulary, background knowledge, and comprehension skills. Though libraries are important, having books in the home has also been related to children’s reading achievement.

Chaffin Luhana Paralegal Holly Culbertson asked the Chaffin Luhana Foundation to donate $250 to Bess the Book Bus, Inc. to help combat book deserts in under privileged communities. “This charity provides books to poverty-stricken areas around the country and close to my home in Florida,” she said.

“With all the technology today, I think the love of books has been forgotten and books can drive a child’s mind into success. I feel this charity is amazing to offer free books to children who cannot afford them and provide them with the love of reading and the love of learning.”

Bess the Book Bus serves over 25,000 kids and gives away over 50,000 books in dozens of states across the country each year. The Tampa-based mobile literacy outreach is dedicated to narrowing the achievement gap created by poverty. “We build home libraries and a love of reading in our most underserved communities across the USA by making the joy of book ownership a reality for our kids” they state on their website.

The Chaffin Luhana Foundation is pleased to support the work this charity is doing. If you’d like to help, you can make a donation via the information listed below.


Bess the Book Bus, Inc.

2316 E. 3rd Ave.

Tampa, FL 33605



To Donate:

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