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On March 28, 2014 a motion was filed to combine all of the lawsuits filed against AbbVie Inc., and Abbott Laboratories, the manufacturers of Androgel, a testosterone therapy treatment. Plaintiffs asked the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) to centralize all the cases to the U.S. District Court in Illinois.

One Judge to Preside Over Lawsuits Filed Against AbbVie Inc. in Illinois Federal Court

On March 14, 2014, an order was issued to consolidate more than a dozen lawsuits filed against AbbVie Inc., and Abbott Laboratories, the manufacturers of Androgel. U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly will preside over those consolidated pretrial proceedings. The Chief Judge for the Executive Committee in the United States District Court Northern District of Illinois signed the order.

In February 2014, five lawsuits were filed in Illinois Federal Court against AbbVie, Inc. and Abbott Laboratories. Plaintiffs claimed to have suffered serious side effects, including heart attacks, while taking Androgel for testosterone therapy treatment.

One plaintiff claims he was prescribed Androgel after he thought he was suffering from low testosterone after watching commercials for the product (1:14-cv-772). He alleges the manufacturers concealed information about serious side effects from consumers.

FDA Investigating Testosterone Therapy Treatment & Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke and Death

On January 31, 2014, the FDA announced plans to investigate the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death among men using a form of testosterone therapy treatment. This came after several studies, including one published in PLOS One, found men aged 65 and older were twice as likely to suffer from a heart attack after filling a testosterone therapy prescription. The same study found that younger men had three times the risk of a heart attack if they had a family history of heart disease.

The safety announcement stated the FDA “has not concluded that FDA-approved testosterone treatment increases the risk of heart attack, stroke or death.”

The FDA required some manufacturers of testosterone therapy in the form of a gel to include a warning about “secondary exposure,” which could lead to the early onset of puberty in children or an increase of acne and hair growth among women.

Testosterone comes in the form of patches, gels, pills, and injections.

Testosterone Therapy Treatment-When to Seek Legal Representation

You should never stop or start taking a form of testosterone therapy treatment unless instructed to do so by your physician.

If you are suffering or have suffered a serious side effect after taking a form of testosterone therapy, you need to consult your doctor. You could also be eligible for compensation. You should contact a testosterone therapy treatment attorney today for a free consultation.

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